Wednesday, November 9, 2011

For the past two months in Charlotte I have just been floating around. I never came to terms with the things that didn't work out this summer and instead pushed them completely out of my thoughts. But we all know it's impossible to do that forever and at last it all came crashing on me. All this weight of regret, fear, and insecurity lead me to no other decision than to run away for a little while. And that's what I did. But no matter how many miles I traveled I'm still in this situation only with less distractions. Who am I kidding? I'm in New York, where all you have to do is walk outside of your door and you feel like you are doing something. But when I'm here, in this room, alone, I realize there are many things I have yet to face. I'm scared but I have this peace that I was not able to find back home. Now I have to prove to myself that I still have this strength that I have gained throughout all these years from all the hurt and from all the accomplishments. I just have to keep telling myself this, "You are doing better than you think you are."

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