Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tough Love

The little girl inside of me has this image in my head of how a man should love a woman. The image of a man holding a woman with every ounce of his being and not letting go until there is no more electricity that is to be shared between their bodies. Basically, I have an idea of how a woman should be desired by a man. I don't have much luck in the department of finding a guy who is good for me for longer than a couple of months. I often get discouraged and wonder what it is that is wrong with me. But through all of my pain and downfalls I find something. God's love. My God is jealous for me, and he loves me enough to bring me back to him when I am wasting my time with someone who isn't doing anything to lift me up. God puts me through pain so I can find comfort in Him. This is one of the hardest lessons that I go through every year like clock work. I have to learn self-control and I have to learn that just because a guy can make me feel good for a while doesn't mean that he can make me feel good forever. I need to stop finding happiness and confidence in other people and things of this world. 

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