Wednesday, July 20, 2011


"A heart a peace will give life to the body, but envy rots the bones."
                                                                               -Proverbs 14:30

For as long as I can remember I have no been a victim of envy or jealousy. I believe it has something to do with the beautiful parents who raised me with love, encouragement, and uplifting. My father, has told me almost every day how beautiful and special I am. And my mother, she has been an example of a strong, confident woman my entire life. This has allowed me to find self-assurance within myself, not needing others to feed my self-esteem. And not only do I have great earthly parents, but I have a heavenly Father who has made me fearfully and wonderfully. Not by any means am I saying I am perfect, or that there aren't days that I am feeling insecure, but I know how to tell myself that God is perfect, and he in fact, does not make mistakes. When I see someone who has something that I want and don't have, I know that God has something else for me. When I meet a guy who doesn't like me the way I like him, it can be very discouraging, but I know that there is a reason behind it. God has something better for me. Basically, when something doesn't go my way, it is so satisfying to know that I am taken care of, I do not need to worry because someone else is doing it for me.
There are many times girls get jealous of other girls. Sometimes, because the other girl is prettier or smarter. Other times, because guys like the other girl instead of them. In my opinion, girls need to be happy with themselves and know that there is a time and place for everything and for everyone.

Also, stop over-protecting your significant other. If they have the capability of cheating on you, they were obviously not right for you.

No man can make you feel beautiful. But you can.

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