Monday, July 11, 2011

Blast From The Past

It's always very strange seeing a person you haven't seen in years. Not because there hasn't been any contact, and not because things are a little awkward, but because of how weird it is to think about how the feelings you once had for that person have now either changed or completely gone away. Sometimes, though, you see that person and realize that those feelings have never left to begin with. They somehow managed to stick with you for all of those years. In my case, I didn't realize I still had feelings for that person, but the feelings I had that I then thought was mad and crazy love, have now changed into something different; Something more innocent and deeper. You know when you know somebody and there is nothing more you want from them but for them to be happy? No, more than happy- content and joyful and out-of-their-mind-happy. Well, that's all I want for him. My care for him is deeper than I expected it to be after all this time. I wish him the world and all of the amazing things it brings.

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