Monday, May 16, 2011

No one said it'd be easy

Losing a friend is never easy, especially when it is because of a reason you can't understand. I'm allowing myself to be sad for a little bit, but I will not let my life's outcome depend on the people or things that leave my life. At the moment, I can't see the wonderful life God has planned out for me, but it is my faith that God will fulfill his promise that is keeping me from falling apart. Not just this particular situation, but anything that has ever caused me pain will never compare to the amount of happiness I will one day feel. I wish you could open your eyes and see my heart and how much I have opened it up for you, but you haven't done so. And because of that, I'll have to keep you out. Not everyone is supposed to be in my life, and some things just aren't worth it. Maybe you just aren't worth it.

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