Friday, May 6, 2011

hello again,

So I have not blogged in almost a month. I'm not sure if it's because I have been busy, lazy, or just lacked the inspiration or motivation. A lot has happened in this one month alone to the point where I do not know where to begin. However, all those things don't matter at the moment. Yesterday I lost my Oma (grandmother) and my whole family is just so heartbroken to have lost someone so loving, caring, and simply put wonderful. My mom went to Brazil last week, as well as her sister in France and her other sister in Campinas, Brazil to be with my grandmother before and after the surgery she didn't even get the chance to undergo. God decided to bring her home just hours before and as hard as it is, we can never doubt God's will or purpose. Rest in Peace seems like such an inappropriate thing to say for someone who is celebrating in heaven right now, resting being the last thing she is doing right now in her new body, reunited with Christ, her husband, and her mother who are people she has missed terribly. I am so glad to have known her and above anything, I'm thankful to her for giving me the chance of life by giving me the most amazing mother in the world. Last night I asked God to talk to her for me, to tell her that she's loved and will be greatly missed, and I think he did.

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