Saturday, May 14, 2011

Fresh starts aren't always friendly.

I asked God for new people in my life. Individuals with big dreams and enough motivation to achieve them. These are the kinds of people I want to be surrounded by. I want my friends to push me, support me, help me, and most of all, care for me. And recently, I have noticed how badly things have been going with my current friends for no other apparent reason other than God doing a spring cleaning in my life so to speak. Maybe I'm making this all up in my head, but I didn't think It would be so hard. Sometimes, I would prefer being invisible rather than having empty people in my life who only care let's say maybe 30% about how my life is going. I'm not trying to pity myself, and I'm not trying to make people love me, I just wish I didn't have that many loveless people in my life. And since I do, I wish It was easier to get rid of them.

ps. I do, however, have a handful of really amazing people, who I am very grateful for, in my life.

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