Sunday, April 10, 2011


So on Friday night, instead of going out, or seeing any of my friends, I decided to stay in. At first, I had decided to stay at home to work on some school, which I ended up doing, for maybe an hour. I lit all the candles in my room, made myself some raspberry green tea, and listened to my Chet Baker record. I'm going to take a second to say that Chet Baker is a musical genius! After a while of that I had the urge to get out of the house, though. So I decided to drive. I got in my car and drove for maybe an hour and a half. Not a long time at all. But if you think about how I was heading in no particular direction during a time when gas is ridiculously expensive, you might think I'm dumb. But it was beautiful. Honestly. I had my windows down, the air was warm and the wind was cold, I had some great music playing, and I even stopped at a church with a pretty red door. But then I got freaked out and headed out of there as fast as I could. Pussy, I know. Just because I was by myself though.
Having alone time Is so essential in one's life, I believe. If you don't even like spending time with yourself, why would anyone else want to?

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