Saturday, April 16, 2011

Late night post

I find it really sad that a lot of the people I'm surrounded by first have to drown themselves in liquor in order for them to have a good time. Not only are they having trouble finding the little joys in life, but it is also so hard to entertain these kinds of people. I mean, not everyone is like that. Some people can drink but can also be satisfied just sitting at the park doing nothing but look at the sky or read a book. It's rare, though. I'm not going to sit here and say that I'm completely against drinking, because I'm not. I just feel like there should be a moderation and there also needs to be a level of self-control. So, why exactly do people intoxicate themselves? To relax, to be more "social", to have a good time, etc, etc. I am perfectly capable of going out and having just as much of a good time than every other drunk at the bar, so why can't everyone else? I understand that's it's a joy that isn't easy to obtain but is so worth it if or when you do. I'm not trying to judge, which I know I am slightly doing right now, I just want to see people being happy by just looking at all the wonderful things around them. I want people who I meet to remember me or our conversation the next time they see me. I want people to live a life they'll be proud of.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very smart and mature post. I definetly agree with you. I especially love your last sentence. Life's too short to screw it up!
